

Nrependra Singh and the Borth Pharmacy Team


In an attempt to ascertain the needs of the local community, an open event was organised by the pharmacy alongside Dr Fish and Dr Hoscar from Borth Surgery. In July 2019 the local community were invited to meet with them and discuss their expectations and future hopes regarding the pharmacy and surgery. As a result of this event, a number of service improvements were made, including increased patient awareness of emergency services within the pharmacy, treat and triage services, influenza vaccination services, and common ailment services. Additionally, clearer communication between the pharmacy and the GP service was cultivated, leading to further benefits for the patient.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic a Facebook page was developed in order to enhance the patient experience and service delivery, with the local community deeming it helpful, reassuring, and pragmatically informative. Additionally, the Repeat Click software means that patient queries can be answered without making a phone call to the pharmacy or GP surgery regarding prescription queries.

The layout of the pharmacy is devised in line with customer needs and the aim of establishing easy access. To ensure this, different sections for conditions are displayed, with the front section of the shop showcasing seasonal condition medicines.