

Nrependra Singh and the Borth Pharmacy Team


Recognising the potential possessed by independent pharmacies to innovate in relation to technological advancements, Nrependra kickstarted the development of Repeat Click – a solution to maintain communication, accountability, multi-partnership working, expertise and safety, without compromising on convenience for the patient. As a result, the journey the prescription takes from the patient, to the GP, to the pharmacist, and back to the patient, is seamless and effortless, all on one safe and efficient platform. Additionally, through their utilisation of the tool, patients are able to protect their local community pharmacy and its vital role in the local economy.

The origins of the Repeat Click software can be traced back to March 2020.  DigiWorld Creative (Mr K GuruSubash) was a new and innovative starter tech company looking for a pilot project – and Nrependra identified collaboration with them as an impactful partnership in that they were both willing to learn from one another and the process.

One of the biggest daily challenges in the delivery of medication is related to partnership working between the patient, GP and pharmacist. Repeat Click is thus playing a crucial role in overcoming any barriers by servicing patients from their local pharmacy and dramatically reducing the workload of professionals.